
About SimBalisme

SimBalisme is a free download website that provides free software and games for you. Not only that, we also provide several Android applications. There are also some useful tutorials about the internet and computers.

SimBalism was created in 2015 by the first admin, suryo Purnomo, and then continued by a beginner named Ergi Wyan until now.

About The Author

The writer named Suryo Purnomo. The author is a 23 year old project worker. Author hobbies, graphic design, programming, and also videography. The author also plays several times in the YouTube world.

Currently the author lives in Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. But his hometown is in Purwodadi, Central Java, Indonesia.

The author's motto The

Think BIG, Dream BIG, Do BIG

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~ Jangan gunakan link aktif ( live link )
~ Berkomentar sesuai artikel
~ Dilarang berkata kotor, SARA, SPAM, dan Pornografi
